Tanenbaum Harber of Florida Blog: commercial
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Wednesday, November 6, 2019Business insurance is a policy in place for a set number of months or years. Most of the time, companies renew their policy year after year without thinking much about the process. Yet, that can be a costly mistake. A good time to review your policy is during the renewal period. READ MORE >>
Thursday, September 26, 2019Businesses that own vehicles have to have someone to drive them. Sometimes, the business owners themselves operate the cars in question. In other cases, employees might drive the cars, either every day or as part of an infrequent duty. Other times, an employee might drive their own car for business. READ MORE >>
Thursday, March 28, 2019When running a business, you want to make convenient use of your insurance policies. Juggling multiple policies might seem like a hassle. To avoid this, you might decide to invest in a Business Owners Policy, more often called a BOP. Still, while very beneficial to most business owners, BOPs don’t cover everything. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, March 12, 2019Your commercial auto policy will have coverage limits tailored to the needs of your business. Furthermore, your policy will address your unique risks and needs as a driver. Therefore, your personal cost burdens will vary. However, one personal cost that you will almost always have to pay is your coverage deductible. READ MORE >>
Friday, December 14, 2018Every business recognizes the benefits of the end of the year. It is time to reconcile statements. It is time to look at profit and loss. It is also time to review business insurance. Prior to the start of the new year, companies need to ensure they have the proper level of coverage. READ MORE >>
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