Tanenbaum Harber of Florida Blog: business insurance
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Tuesday, April 23, 2019Now that spring is upon us, construction jobs in your area are likely starting to pick up steam. Good weather and fair skies open up a lot of working hours if you are a contractor. Still, as temperatures rise, you have to keep an eye on them. Long hours of manual labor in the heat could easily cause you or your employees to get hurt without even knowing it. READ MORE >>
Thursday, March 28, 2019When running a business, you want to make convenient use of your insurance policies. Juggling multiple policies might seem like a hassle. To avoid this, you might decide to invest in a Business Owners Policy, more often called a BOP. Still, while very beneficial to most business owners, BOPs don’t cover everything. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, March 12, 2019Your commercial auto policy will have coverage limits tailored to the needs of your business. Furthermore, your policy will address your unique risks and needs as a driver. Therefore, your personal cost burdens will vary. However, one personal cost that you will almost always have to pay is your coverage deductible. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, December 19, 2018When shipping products or equipment, business owners expose these items to risks. These items could face damage or destruction during their shipping time. Such losses may pose a financial burden to the business. Transportable property needs insurance coverage. This often comes in the form of inland marine insurance. READ MORE >>
Friday, July 6, 2018Anyone who runs a business might have to hire employees. Even if it’s a personal assistant, an employee relies on you to provide a secure working environment. To enforce workplace safety, you should follow all ethics in hiring and retention. You should also have comprehensive insurance in place to safeguard against employee risks. READ MORE >>
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