Tanenbaum Harber of Florida Blog: bop
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Tuesday, October 4, 2022Owning, operating and maintaining a small business is tough. Fortunately, you have a lot of resources available. If you’ve worked hard, have invested properly and are ready for a higher degree of protection, consider picking up a business owner’s policy—or, as it’s commonly called, a BOP. READ MORE >>
Friday, March 11, 2022Despite what you may think, not everyone qualifies for a business owners policy (BOP). A BOP is a way for certain businesses to bundle important coverages at a discounted rate. Typically, businesses that purchase a BOP are small businesses in low-risk industries. Examples of high-risk industries are: READ MORE >>
Friday, October 15, 2021Your business’s success depends on hard work. Understandably, nothing should stall that hard work. A single disaster, however, can wipe out all of your efforts. To protect your profits, you’ll need a well-rounded business insurance policy. A Business Owners Policy, or BOP, can protect your workplace. READ MORE >>
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Insuring your business requires commitment, and part of that commitment means recognizing the fact that your business is entirely unique and requires very specific coverage in order to be fully protected. Though you must, of course, have a strong risk management strategy in place, you still hav... READ MORE >>
Wednesday, September 16, 2020 As a businessowner, you have to be careful about your investments and where you spend your money. Insurance is no different. While you need insurance to operate legally and safely, you want the best deal so that you can put your company’s assets where they’re most needed. READ MORE >>
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