Wednesday, June 26, 2024Every business should have general liability as part of their insurance policy. This coverage provides compensation for bodily injury or physical damage you may directly or indirectly cause to someone else. It offers medical expense assistance as well as helps with legal expenses relating to lawsuits. READ MORE >>
Monday, June 17, 2024Commercial property insurance, also known as business property insurance, can help financially protect a company’s physical assets. Whether you own or rent a business property, this coverage is essential. What Is Commercial Property Insurance? READ MORE >>
Wednesday, June 5, 2024As far as workplaces go, offices are generally among the safest. But why not make them even safer with a bit of extra effort? A safer workplace gives your employees a greater opportunity to stay well and also helps maximize their productivity. Not to mention, the less workers compensation claims filed, the less you generally have to pay for coverage. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, May 22, 2024Boat insurance needs vary between boat owners. Many states don’t legally require boat insurance, but this doesn’t mean boat insurance isn’t needed. Marina Requirements Many marinas require their boaters to carry a certain amount of liability insurance. READ MORE >>
Thursday, May 9, 2024Purchasing business insurance is a part of your risk management plan as a business owner. With the right type of business insurance in place, you can avoid financial losses and avoid financial pitfalls. In exchange for monthly or annual premium payments, your business can transfer risks to your insurance company and save thousands of dollars. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, April 24, 2024When researching homeowners insurance, you’ll see and hear a lot about the replacement cost value of your home. But what is it, and how do you find out what yours is? The replacement cost value of a home is the cost it would take to rebuild in the event of disaster. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, April 3, 2024Many people are looking for ways to earn a bit of extra money. Providing a service to other people is one way to do this. Food delivery drivers are one example of this. Grocery stores now offer this service. Companies like DoorDash and GrubHub connect independent contractors to customers who want food delivered to their door. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, March 20, 2024Your commercial auto policy might be good, but is it perfect? When it comes to commercial auto insurance, you have a lot of options to pick from. Below, we’re covering the best policy add-ons around. Add-On One: Gap Coverage Gap insurance will allow you to pay the difference between your settlement and the remaining loan cost. READ MORE >>
Monday, March 4, 2024If you have a car with a high safety rating and you always use your seat belt, you may think that you are safe when you drive. However, it only takes one unrestrained object in your car to negate all of its safety features. The reason is that although you are restrained from becoming a projectile in a crash, loose objects are not. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, February 21, 2024When you buy home insurance, you have to pay for it. After all, your policy is designed to provide a financial service to you when a problem arises in your home. Therefore, you are a cost risk to the insurer, and they must recoup those losses by charging you your premium for coverage. READ MORE >>
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